Seminar on non-communicable diseases and their impact on sustainable development in the Caribbean (4 November 2021)

Leading experts will discuss the continuing challenges that the prevalence of NCDs present to the wellbeing of Caribbean populations in the midst of a global pandemic.

Twentieth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC (5 November 2021)

CDCC Members and Associate Members are invited to exchange knowledge and perspectives on appropriate response to the most pressing developing issues currently  confronting the region.


Please note that meeting links will be shared with participants via email upon completion of registration.


Interpretation (EN) / Interprétation (FR) / Interpretación (ES):

Interpretation into French and Spanish will be provided only for the Twentieth Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC.

  • A comprehensive guide on using the Interactio app for interpretation will be shared upon completion of registration.
  • Un guide complet sur l'utilisation de l'application Interactio pour l'interprétation sera partagé à la fin de l'inscription.
  • Una vez completado el registro, se compartirá una guía completa sobre el uso de la aplicación Interactio para interpretación.